The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) are assessments developed by Iowa Testing Programs at the University of Iowa for the state of Iowa. The assessments are aligned with the Iowa Core standards and provide a clear and accurate assessment of student learning outcomes. Student growth, proficiency and readiness indicators will be reported.
For frequently asked questions, see the FAQs on the Bulletins page.
The state-designated window for the ISASP will be from March 10 to May 9, 2025. The ISASP will be available in online and paper formats. The table below contains information to be used for scheduling purposes only, as the ISASP is not timed. Using the average administration times (in minutes) for the past three years of the ISASP, these numbers are based on the time it took most students (approximately 80%) to complete each ISASP test.

ISASP will be delivered and supported by Iowa-based Pearson, ensuring local support in the administration process and rapid-response to questions. State appropriations will help defray the cost of the ISASP to Iowa schools.
DEVELOPMENT ISASP was developed in collaboration with Iowa educators and students. As part of the development process, Iowa Testing Programs (ITP) contracted with Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) to conduct an external and independent alignment study. The goal of this study was to confirm that the assessment appropriately assesses the breadth and depth of the Iowa Core. As a part of this process, HumRRO conducted workshops where 40 Iowa educators were trained to perform the alignment tasks.
TRAINING Pearson’s Learning Management System (LMS) hosts the training information for administering the ISASP. The LMS platform offers different modules focused on topics such as performing technology readiness checks for online testing and testing preparation information for District and School Assessment Coordinators. The required Test Security training is also hosted in LMS.
ITP, the Iowa Department of Education, and Pearson look forward to working with the public and private schools of Iowa to provide an assessment program that is responsive to the many needs of educators, parents, and the public for assessment information that is relevant and actionable. For more information, please see Overview of the Assessment bulletin.
PearsonAccessnext serves as the entry point to all Pearson services used by schools and districts participating in the ISASP for test administration and reporting.
Technology Setup
Use the information and tools to prepare your technology and confirm technical readiness to use TestNav, the online testing application for students.
Manuals & Training
Manuals are used to assist in planning, administering, and completing the ISASP; they contain administration procedures, policies, and directions.
Training modules are available in the Learning Management System (LMS). The information from the modules should be used alongside the Test Administrator Manual and the Accessibility and Accommodations Manual.
Test Preparation
System tutorials and practice tests allow students and educators to become familiar with TestNav, the online testing platform for the ISASP. Accessing both resources is recommended to understand the testing day experience for the online ISASP. Also available are rubrics for the Writing test and test blueprints that reflect the content for each ISASP test.
Professional Development
Blueprint documents reflect the content for each of the assessments. The Rubrics will be used for scoring student responses to the ISASP Writing Test. Released writing prompts provide samples of scored student essays and scoring notes. Released operational items provide alignment information, Iowa statewide performance, and distractor-level information.
Reporting Resources
Access sample reports and resources to interpret results, such as the Iowa Percentile Rank reports and Student Data File Layouts.
Important news and updates for the ISASP. The Important Dates bulletin contains all the key events and deadlines to be aware of for the current ISASP administration year.
Pearson Customer Support is available to assist via webform or phone. For live testing issues, please call Pearson Customer Support at (833) 878-7041 for assistance.
Information on test design and research; educators have access to the test specifications documents for detailed test blueprints.
Information for Families
Information for families to interpret results, available in English and a number of other languages.